61/2" and 7" Bits - Extra Large size bits - Shop

Larger bits are more freely available than in previous years. Until recently Abbey Bits were the first port of call but now the mass produced market are slowly starting to add them to their vast range.


Also available are a few items from Neue Schule that are available in 61/2" including Tranz Loose Ring, Team Up, Verbindend, Slimma Weymouth, Tranz Universal and a Verbindend Universal

Please note we try to list what we have here in the shop ready for immediate dispatch, should the item show as "not in stock" let us know and we can quickly order it in for you.





Products In This Category:

Showing 1 - 25 of 25 results
This style of bit gives the rider two options - more effective with ribs facing or milder with the smooth side facing.
Available in 61/2" and 7"
Available in 61/2" and 7"
Available in 61/2" and 7"
The 7" measures very generous.
Can be used on the back of English Hackamores, Dutch, Universals etc
Ideal for horses that lean on the bit.
Although stamped and labelled 61/2" this bit measues around 71/4". - ONE LEFT
Extra large mullen eggbutt. Only available in 61/2"
Measures just under 7"
Back in stock.
does have a fairly thick mouthpiece. Back in stock
A thicker mouth lozenge snaffle - New size 7" which has a larger ring
Available in 61/2" and 7".
A thick jointed mouthpiece.
Slim mouthpiece than the other extra large lozenge mouthpiece
Available in 61/2"
Single wider chain now back in stock
Extra large American gag with rollers ideal for a strong horse that leans